Allison & Dustin have built a life together with their children in South Carolina, and were married there last year. However, it was still important to them both to restate their marriage vows in front of family and friends, with a wedding party and in the location of their choice. They chose the Agawam Hunt Club in East Providence, a lovely setting full of New England history and charm. Allison’s Father walked her half way down the aisle, where her son, Alex, took over and escorted his mom the rest of the way. Beautiful, personalized details and fun DIY decorations were scattered throughout the grounds and reception rooms, telling their story as individuals and a couple.
Sweet little Lorelei. I love her face in the first photo as she eyes her dress and isn’t so sure she is going to enjoy wearing it!
Dustin & the groomsmen got ready in the men’s locker room. It felt like stepping back in time to the Red Sox locker room circa 1940!
Allison & Dustin wrote letters to each other to read just before their wedding ceremony. They didn’t want to see each other before the ceremony, but they did want to exchange private words. It was s very special moment and I love that their expressions as they read were filled with tears and smiles.
I LOVE these images of Allison’s son and husband waiting for her at the aisle. Her father walked her part of the way and her son escorted her the remainder of the way.
Handsome little Alex was too cool for school.
Congratulations Dustin & Allison! We loved being a part of your wedding day and wish you and your beautiful children a wonderful life together!